Sunday, September 4, 2011


Before we left the hotel we confirmed with the front desk the best way to get to Inverness, our next destination!

It was A82. Now I heard A roads weren't that bad, they are more like a highway. Up until the moment we drove to inverness I believed that as true.

Picture yourself in a strange car, going down a winding road / mountain for 3 hours with large buses coming around just inches away from you at a rapid speed?

it was hell! We stopped about half way to Inverness in Glencoe. the view as I described over and over was "gargantuan" it was super duper huge! and so beautiful. It was a shame I was fearing our lives the entire way and missing out on some of the beauty but it was quite the adventure. I said "slow down" to phil about a million times. Every car behind us passed us. I just don't see the point of going that fast when you can't see your next turn and huge buses are coming at you! i'd rather be safe. Later in the trip I looked up A82 accidents. they were gruesome. That is exactly why I was scared!

On the way we stopped at a few Lochs or Lakes. Here are some of the happier times down A82.

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