Sunday, January 1, 2012

...Art comes from life, not from the studio

If I learned anything on this trip, it was that you can find new compartments in yourself, no matter what stage of life you're in. I beat the odds, I studied abroad as a 28 year old, I discovered new places, created art I actually like and I loved new people. Life can be forever exciting if you close your eyes and take the jump.

The only negative thing about Dundee and this entire experience, was having to leave.

I will forever be changed because of this adventure and I will never forget my lifelong friends I met along the way.

Jaime + Dundee = <3

Final Days...

My last week in Scotland was eventful and sad.

I completed many tasks from my bucket list including:

playing bingo at Mecca, creating a music video at the x-factor booth (posted on facebook) "islands in the stream" with morgan, went to the deep sea restaurant with Morgan and MB, went to T Ann Cake (it was amazing), went to the sea and took photos and baked cookies.

I didn't ever get to use the DJCAD facilities to develop photos or go to the doghouse pub, but all in all I think I did enough!

Here are the last photos I took. There are a very small amount I took in Amsterdam (two weeks before coming back to SC) of the windmills from the plane, the hotel, parts of the city, my bike, tobias, some globes and where we rented the bike. I should have taken more but the moments were more important than taking out the camera. Did a lot in Amsterdam. Mostly tried new beers, drank good coffee, rode bikes 24/6, froze my butt off, went to some museums, shopped in markets and tried to get tobias to laugh.

the next set of photos are in scotland. the final days of my studio, my corridor, my goodbyes, MB and Morgan and fun in nairn with stephen! 

i also included some boring and depressing shots of my long day in the airports. it was pretty brutal. 23 hours on planes and waiting in airports while being an emotional wreck stinks!

I miss you Dundee! I miss you Morgan, Julien, Steph and Stephen! 

Dundee DID save my life. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm off to Amsterdam for the week!

I'll tell Tobias you said wassup!

Back to SC soo soon! AHHHHHHHHHHH

Huggin' Booth (cuz it feels so good)

So for part of my Ephemeral module and for fun, I decided to build a hugging booth. I was initially going to have it on campus, but after MB gave me an idea, I took it to the city centre. It was heavy and tedious but thankfully I have two of the best friends anyone could ask for. The nice man at the reception let me borrow a sturdy trolly and Morgan and Stephen really helped me out! Not only that, they got some great footage from the day's shenanigans!

We found a spot right beside a carousel and snack stand, so it sorta looked like we belonged. Then we got asked by the Dundee City Ambassador people if we had permission. I think our accents charmed them all and they gave me an hour and a half longer. An old man with a hearing aid brought me some chocolate and a lot of people didn't hug. But those that did, certainly felt good! I know I did!