Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dundee Bucket List

I felt like it would be nice to write these down (to make sure I do them):

- Attend a church service
- Go Ice skating
- Go to the sea and take photos
- Develop photos using the DJCAD facilities
- Eat at the Turkish restaurant on Perth Rd
- Check out the roller derby team
- Go to another soul dancing venue
- See Tobias in Amsterdam
- Bake Cookies

i forgot the ones that made me want to write this post! daggonnit!

stay awhile!

One of the events that stood out the most yesterday was a film screening of a documentary in progress right here in Dundee! The film is being made by a guy named Dylan Drummond.

I was sitting down on the ground behind him and he was standing up. Even before his film started, I felt the guy had extremely considerable rhythm. He was swaying and jiving during the other short films and I just thought he was a bit eccentric and spirited.

I realized at the end he was the filmmaker. His film titled "Keep the Faith" is about the Northern Soul scene in Dundee. It was a beautifully shot film with great music and all generations of people "feeling the music".

If you're interested in the film or the story please check out the website:

i was grooving from the beginning scene. It wasn't a pretentious piece boasting what little the city of Dundee can boast, it was a narrative about these people who still keep their roots into the soul scene. the music is powerful. I asked Dylan after the screening where these locations are in the city so I can try to go myself and dance with these professional Dundee devotees.

One of the dancer ladies was present. she mentioned the scene is like being part of a gang, a committee or a religion. that it was a faith and you belonged to it. this story comes from the real voices of the dundoneon people! I love it!

Dylan said something like "culture offers a lot to buy into and is very transient and modern - you can switch up your culture day by day, but Northern Soul is loyal to their culture"

The film said to me that dance and music, like art, should be for everyone.

It moved me. Hope you'll check it out.

NEON II - Light Show Video

sorry for the quality, my iphone has limited capabilities!

Neon II Dundee - Part of the Events

Mostly yesterday was a variation of people using electronic devices to create drone like effects. one guy sort of created his own theramin using the face of his guitar and pushing electric toothbrushes and blowdryers through the waves to create powerful sounds. there was another event inside the old steeple church - great acoustics and sound, sort of mimicked hearing chants. he used his computer to deliver repetitive sounds being made within the church and left out instruments for the audience to use. there was another performance event at the top of the law where students from primary, high school and the college collaborated to do this light show. the events were quite fun and well prepared. I had a great time with Morgan and Jonathan!

During our breaks, we went to the chinese market, "Amigos" a weird diner and went shopping!

I got a headband that looks like braided hair and Morgan got green nail polish!

all is good!

here are a few shots from the day!

Fireworks Video

Fireworks Shots & Woodburnings

November 5th of Guy Fawkes Night:

HISTORY of Guy Fawkes (stolen from the International student society facebook invite)

November 5th is known as "Bonfire Night" or "Guy Fawkes Night", and all over Britain people fire off fireworks, light bonfires, and burn effigies of Guy Fawkes. Guido Fawkes was an Englishman who, in popular legend, tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with barrels of gunpowder. He was caught, imprisoned, tortured on the rack, and finally executed, as we'll see.

400 years ago, Guy Fawkes was a co-conspirator in the "Gunpowder Plot" of 1605 in England. He and his cohorts decided to blow up the both Houses of Parliament in London and kill King James I upon the inaugural opening of the Parliament, and succeeded in smuggling several barrels of gunpowder into the basement of the Parliament.

This "Gunpowder Plot" occurred two years after King James I (of the "King James Bible" fame) ascended to the throne. A group of English Catholics, of which Guido Fawkes was a member, decided to kill the King because it was felt he had reneged on his promises to stop the persecution of Catholics. To this day, it is the law in Britain that a Roman Catholic cannot hold the office of monarch. And the Queen is still Supreme Head of the Church of England.

The plot was foiled at the eleventh hour; some of the plotters escaped, some turned King's Evidence and reported on the rest. The unlucky Fawkes was taken in chains to the Tower of London. He was hanged, drawn and quartered. After Guy was hanged, he was torn asunder and drug through the streets of London behind a horse cart. The charge was treason, though some people in England prefer to remember Guy as "the only man ever to enter Parliament with honourable intentions."

Steph and her flat mate Kevin, Stephen, Julien and I walked up there with the International student society. the fireworks lasted like 20 minutes. it was a great free event to attend. Even though it was freezing and took forever to get to the park - Adele, Lady Gaga and Katy Perry played during the show! Impressed?

Random Dundee

The sunset on Tuesday, a giant slug, two funny windows and two stuffed greeters at a local pub.


Crisps with funny names

Morgan and I have become quite impressed with the crisps' flavors here.

I am in the process of taking more photos, but here are three so far I have managed to snap.

If the bag says what it tastes like, by God, it will taste like it! I don't know how they pack that kind of flavor into a potato chip!

It's close to a home cooked meal into a bag. I've eaten more crisps here than ever in my life by the way.


More clay & whatnot

i made a mask, a lady with big legs, a messed up painting, an african lady's profile and a sheep.

The wood cut and lino cuts have been printed and look pretty darn good but they weren't dry on Friday so I will update those next time!


More Stuff

A foggy day in the studio - my latest screen - my two wood burned sheep!

My latest ceramic guys

a two headed boy, sorta became a two headed native american.

i added too much woodstain, but since then have sanded it into a nice texture.

either way i'm digging up on it.


all i took.

a funny poster in a charity shop, a small ride for kids, TEA, out the window of the scrumpy willow and the sign on the bathroom door (why?) :)


Although a small town, Morpeth is a fabulous place to walk in the woods, walk the cold North Sea, walk dogs, see Herons bathing, watch Blockbuster movies, dance to Halloween music and have great home cooked meals! Stephen's mom and brother were splendid and so very sweet. I felt like I was part of the family.

I didn't take too many photos. I was living the moment. We also went to Newcastle for the day, a bigger city outside of Morpeth. We went to a delicious place for lunch called "Scrumpy Willow and the singing kettle" along with a few vintage shops and record stores. Also a store with old posters and cool postcards and there was a protest as well. Still not sure what it was about but I thought I might get my arm shot off. It was awesome!!!

Here's some of the minimal footage!

Updates Galore!

So a lot has gone on the last three weeks. I took a trip to Morpeth / Newcastle / Glasgow with my friend Stephen, I went to see fireworks at Lochee Park in Dundee for Guy Fawkes Day, I went to the Neon II Digital Arts Festival, I got sick, I had my first porkchop in Scotland and I printed my first wood and lino cuts!

That's just a few of the highlights.

It's Sunday and the chill of the approaching winter in Dundee has caused me to fall ill. I thought I was over it yesterday but walking up to the Dundee Law at night froze my throat again.

I will be resting today and eating BLT's. <-- Another Dundee first!

I can't stop listening to She & Him and I wish I had more time here. I love Dundee. My advisor told me my work is becoming more sophisticated, I am on a roll. If I can come back for graduate school or something, I might just do it. I already miss my friends i've made here. Time just flies by! So whoever is reading, take my advice! You only live once - try to be happy and enjoy your time! Magic is in the air and if you let it in, you'll experience sparkling willows hugging your shoulders and birds singing by the trains!

Enjoy the next few posts.